Mowing your lawn is an easy job, but are you consciously making it more difficult than it has to be? Take these guidelines that come from the experts to make cutting your lawn easier for you and better for your lawn.
It's easy to think that this trick will simply add more time to the list of things to do; however, sharp blades keep the need to make many passes. Making a small investment in your time at the start of summer will make cutting lawns much easier throughout the entire season.
There's nothing more frustrating than being unable to refill your fuel at the midpoint of a lawn. In addition, you're not advised to refill a hot lawn mower. If you suspect that the tank is empty, be sure to refill it before you start your mowing session the next time.
The last thing you want is a rock or stick to scratch the freshly sharpened lawn mower blades. To avoid irritation and injury, clean these items from your lawn prior to when it is time to start mowing.
The ideal time of day to cut grass is when it's cool out; that's why you should mow early in the morning or late in the later in the evening. Mowing in cooler weather helps retain moisture in the roots in the areas that are necessary. It also decreases the likelihood of exhaustion due to heat.
However, the evening is preferable than the morning because it allows the grass twelve hours to recover before the sun sets. The grass can also be wet or dewy from getting watered in the morning. You should not mow your lawn when it is damp for your own safety as well as the well-being of your lawn.
It is possible to think that cutting your grass with a hefty cut will delay the period until you are ready to mow the grass again; however, cutting more than one-third of the blade at once could damage your grass. Additionally, longer blades shade the soil, which slows the evaporation process and stops the growth of weeds. Thus more frequent and less severe cuts lead to better lawns and fewer grass weeds.
Longer grass signifies longer roots. Because grass that grows beneath a tree has to compete with the tree's roots to get water and nutrients, make sure that the grass stays as healthy as it can by keeping it longer than grass that is growing in full sunlight.
It's straightforward to trim the grass on an established weekly schedule; however, keep in mind that dry, hot conditions can slow the growth of grass that is in the cooler season. If you're in this situation, you'll be glad to know that you can cut the grass less often without harming the grass.
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Landscaping GreenExperts Victoria
1150 Rockland Ave, #203 CC, Victoria, BC V8V 3H7
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