There are so many wonderful things about summer, but mosquitoes don't count. The whine or bite of a mosquito can ruin an otherwise wonderful day. And there are often dozens or hundreds of them. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like the West Nile virus, yellow fever, encephalitis, and others.
Mosquitoes can spread quickly, and it can be difficult for you to remove them once they take over your garden. Here are some tips to reduce their numbers and eliminate them completely.
Remove standing water
Begin by looking around your property to identify any stagnant or standing water. Because this is where mosquitoes lay eggs, you can help prevent them from multiplying and breeding by diverting or dumping water that has been collected in buckets and garbage cans.
Make sure to clean your pool
You can keep your pool in the ground or above ground. It is important to keep it chlorinated and maintained to repel mosquitoes. A good water circulation and water filtration will help keep the water moving. The pool cover can keep chemicals from evaporating and insects out when it is not being used. Pet and child-waded pools should be emptied regularly.
Promote Drainage
After heavy rainfall, watering, or regular flooding, water accumulates in areas of your landscape. You can fill these areas with soil to make the grade even or redirect the water for better drainage.
Clear Gutters
Over time, leaves and other materials may build up in your gutters which can cause the system to stop draining. Our experts offer professional gutter cleaning services. This is an affordable way to keep your gutters clean and prevent mosquitoes from breeding. You must ensure that your downspouts remain in a well-placed area so that water flows freely.
Keep Your Landscape Beautiful
Mosquitoes love to hide in long, cool grasses and overgrown vegetation during the heat of summer. You should keep up with your weekly lawn maintenance and trim your shrubs.
Repel Mosquitoes
Citronella grass is an effective deterrent for mosquitoes. It masks the insect's scents. Some plants are also known to repel mosquitoes.
Keep Things Moving
While a backyard pool is a great landscape feature, the combination of still water and plant life can attract mosquitoes. Consider adding a fountain, aerator, and fish that can eat mosquito larvae to your backyard pond, depending on where you live.
Change Your Lighting
Many insects, including mosquitoes, are attracted to regular bulbs' light. Yellow "bug lights" are a better alternative to outdoor bulbs. They emit light at a different wavelength which is less appealing to pests.
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Landscaping GreenExperts Victoria
1150 Rockland Ave, #203 CC, Victoria, BC V8V 3H7
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