Although a green lawn can be a source of pride for many home and business owners, it is also a sign of good health. Proper identification is the key to successfully treating the problem, as well as restoring health and vitality on your property. We have a list of common crawling, flying, and burrowing insect species that can help you identify them.
These signs can indicate you might have unwanted pests, either above or below your lawn.
There are many different types of beetle larvae. They vary in size and color, but they are all C-shaped and usually measure one inch. These unsightly pests can be found in the soil. They eat the roots of lawn grasses and attract other unwanted pests like moles or crows.
Armyworms come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, and green. They can reach approximately one and a half inches long with horizontal stripes. They prefer to travel in large numbers and eat grass above the ground.
Fiery Skippers
This caterpillar has a black head and a green body, and it lays its eggs underneath grass blades or leaves.
This crane fly larva is named for its smooth appearance and grayish-brown color. They measure about one and a half inches in length, with no discernable head or legs. They love to eat roots and blades.
Chinch bugs
These tiny bugs measure only one-quarter inch in length and have black and white wings. The dark triangular patches on their backs are made of white-gray. They remove the moisture from the grass blades by first sucking it out and then putting down an anticoagulant, which prevents any further water absorption.
Burrowing or digging Mammals
As they hunt for food or make their home, chipmunks, moles, and groundhogs can damage your lawn.
It is impossible to keep your landscape pest-free. Many species are beneficial for plants and the environment. With these tips, you can reduce or eliminate the likelihood of pests causing damage to your garden and lawn.
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Landscaping GreenExperts Victoria
1150 Rockland Ave, #203 CC, Victoria, BC V8V 3H7
| Landscaping GreenExperts Victoria